Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Committee Topics

General Assembly 1
Eradication of Non-Self Governing Territories
Focus Question: One of the UN's goals, since its establishment, has been to eradicate Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGTs). As of 2012, 16 NSGTs remain colonized, and home to approximately 2 million people. What should the next steps be to decolonize the remaining NSGTs? Should the UN lead the decolonization effort, or should the decision to decolonize be left between the colonial powers and the territories?

General Assembly 2
Sovereignty and U.N. Intervention
Focus Question: To what extent can the United Nations require compliance to established U.N. protocols or resolutions from sovereign nations? To what extent do countries have rights of sovereignty over their own natural resources? How can the UN support state rights to sovereignty over natural resources or governance and to what extent should it do so?

Security Council
Process and Structure of Peacekeeping Operations
Focus Question: How can U.N. peacekeepers successfully intervene in nations that are in need of assistance, but publicly denounce it? How might the U.N Peacekeepers optimize their efficiency? When should the peacekeeping forces be aided by a standing group of rapid deployment peacemaking troops? Does this go against the UN Charter?
Consider the following countries: -Syria

-South Sudan
-North korea
-Democratic Republic of Congo

Creation of Rapid Deployment Forces
Focus Question: To what extent should the U.N. Security Council consider the composition of R.D.F.s in regards to culturally or ethnically tense regions? How would an entirely Western/European force be more effective than a more locally or regionally composed
Security Council Procedure
Focus Question: Should the U.N. modify the members of the Security Council in light of the recent political and economic developments and conflicts? Should voting be modified when conflicts directly involve member countries?
Consider the following conflicts: The Korean Peninsula Israel-Palestine

Syrian civil war

Role of U.N in Regime Changes
Focus Question: To what extent should the U.N. assist and involve itself in regime changes? Should it act as a mediator or use its peacekeeping forces? To what extent should the U.N. intervene in post-regime change situations such as electoral violence or power vacuums? Consider the following countries: -Libya
-Ivory Coast

Committees 1A, 1B, 1C – Global Security
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Focus Question: How, when, and to what extent should the U.N. intervene with countries that refuse to follow or violate international weapons protocol? Should the UN promote a transition to a WMD-free world?
Ethnic and Religious Conflict
Focus Question: What are some major current issues regarding ethnic and religious conflict and what kind of threats do the conflicts pose to other nations? How and when should the UN intervene to help address these conflicts. Does the U.N. have a right to intervene at all?
Focus Question: Should the U.N. work towards eliminating or protecting nations from attacks of cyber-warfare or cyber- terrorism, and if so, how? Should the U.N. aid nations in protecting their online systems which may include, but are not limited to, privacy, infrastructure, intelligence information, or monetary funds stored online?
Focus Question: What measures should the U.N. take in order to reduce or eliminate terrorism growing in developing nations? To what extent can preemptive actions be utilized to suppress terrorism?

Committees 2A, 2B, and 2C – Global Economics
Oil Supermajors and Multinational Corporations
Focus Question: How should the U.N. address the influence of multinational corporations, especially oil supermajors, on developed and developing nations? The implications as to how this would affect state owned oil companies should also be considered.
Multinational Trading Unions
Focus Question: With global trading initiatives such as Multilateral Free Trade Area, The Common Market, and the success of the global economy, how should the UN protect the interests of these blocs, if at all? How can the UN use these blocs to help the economies of developing nations, and/or stabilize the economies of already developed nations? Be sure to take into account your specific countries position in relationship to the trading blocs. Consider previous actions taken by the UN to support trading unions.
Free Trade
Focus Question: Should the U.N. promote and aid in free trade or should it support current policies that often lean towards protectionism? What should the U.N.’s role be in trade negotiations? Keep in mind the benefits and drawbacks of free or regulated trade in your specific country.
Green Business
Focus Question: Considering the new ‘green’ movement and the new business opportunities in this industry, should the U.N. play a role in regulating this new industry? Should the U.N. provide economic benefits for nations and businesses that are more environmentally friendly than others? What should the U.N.’s role be in the drafting and signing of protocols and environmental agreements?

Committees 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D – Human Rights
Access to Information
Focus Question: Considering forms of media such as newspapers, the internet, and publications in general, under what circumstances, if ever, is it the U.N.'s duty to intervene in issues of government regulation of information?
Human Trafficking
Focus Question: What should the U.N. do to discourage and prevent human trafficking? Furthermore, what should the U.N. do regarding governments that allow or ignore human trafficking within their jurisdiction? Consider the treatment of refugees in areas of strife.
Rights of Women and Children
Focus Question: How can the U.N. advocate for and enforce the rights of women and children in areas where local practices and attitudes cause inequality, discrimination and abuse of women and children? How can the U.N. avoid contradicting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through its efforts while respecting societal norms?
State Sponsored Violations
Focus Question: How can the U.N. combat human rights violations that transpire as a result of political strife? Furthermore how can the U.N. protect the best interests of citizens when perpetrators are governmental militias without violating a nation's sovereignty?

Committees 4A, 4B – Environmental
Climate Change
Focus Question: What should the U.N. do to better address issues of climate change, in light of the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-15)? What should the U.N.’s role be in the drafting and signing of protocols and environmental agreements?
Energy Policy
Focus Question: Concerning the growing need for long-term sources of renewable energy, how can developed member- nations assist in the research and development of energy through nuclear fission and fusion, if at all? How can the developed member-nations assist in the development of basic renewable energy sources (wind, solar power, etc.) in developing countries?
Note: *A major nuclear fusion program to consider is ITER
Focus Question: To what extent should the United Nations protect global biodiversity? In what ways can the U.N. promote preservation of native species in response to industrialization and climate change? Should the U.N. work to protect endangered species?
Food Security
Focus Question: What should the U.N. do to address the inefficiencies in food production and distribution? Should the U.N. encourage the production of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and if not, what stance should they take? Research Focus Points:
Cropland allocation
Technologies used in producing food 

Committees 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D – Health and Human Services
Resource Scarcity
Focus Question: What actions should the U.N. take in order to more effectively and efficiently distribute aid in the form of food and water to lower-income nations that are affected by extreme hunger? Keeping in mind recent events, what should the U.N. do to establish essential resources in areas of recent natural disasters, warfare, arid lands, and contaminated water? What should the U.N. do to promote timely and effective relief measures?
Diseases of Poverty
Focus Question: In what ways should the U.N. attempt to combat and contain epidemics that are the result of poverty such as HIV/AIDS and malaria and eradicate curable diseases such as polio and rabies in developing nations? What actions should WHO take to alleviate the consequences of poverty right after the disease breaks?
Access to Medical Assistance
Focus Question: How can the U.N. provide medical assistance to nations that are hostile towards foreign involvement?
Education in Developing Nations
Focus Question: To what extent should the U.N. provide education in areas that lack basic educational access? How should the U.N. promote the development of education?





Anuta David

Autumn Kendra

GA 1
Baranow Natasha

GA 1
Burcham Mia

Carrick Sam

Cote Camille

Duckler Ilia

Eissinger Josie

Gansberg Oliver

Greaves Jack

Hanau Mercer

Harper Ellie

Harris Jonah

GA 2
Hartwell Zeke

Kauffman Gabe

Keller Anna

Kershner Ally

Kukla Peter

Lemley Claire

Mahar Henry

Marr Carter

McCauley Sean

Molloy Abby

Noble Kenny

Ormond Olivia

Parodi Paul

Price Maddie

Reed Ruby

Rincon Alberto

Smith Liane

Shmakov Sasha

Stember Samantha

Szczepanski Edward

Vlastelicia Britta

Vlastelicia Haley

Waugh James

GA 2
Wilson Uriah

Woods Bethany


HR = Human Rights

HS = Health and Human Services

GS = Global Security

GA = General Assembly

GE = Global Economics

SC = Security Council

EN = Environment

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

For those who care...

If James, Mia, or I have received 15 of all 76 position papers by Tuesday January 1st at 11:59 pm, I will dress up like a girl on the first day back...but I'm not too concerned. Right now there are about 5 position papers in.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blog is Up

Hey everyone! We now have access to the blog! If anyone has questions about MUN, or how to get started on position papers, please contacte Mia (mia@starsatnight.com), James (james.t.waugh@gmail.com), or myself (jonah.b.b.harris@gmail.com).

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How to work the blog....

MUN Leaders, I sent out invitations to the blog on September 13th, 2012. You should have received an invitation to be an "author" of the blog. I noticed that JAMES WAUGH is ALREADY an admin of the blog, so he should have access! To manage to blog, you have to LOG IN to the blog. For Mia and Jonah, you may need to get GMAIL accounts in order to sign in, but I do not know for sure.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Message from Oregon Model United Nations:

I hope everyone had a marvelous spring break! I'm writing to tell you that we are desperately low on resolutions this year. As of right now we have 135 turned. That is about 250 short of the needed amount to make the model run. We have one committee that has had no resolutions turned in at all. Below you will see a break down and you can see how truly low we are. Please tell all of your delegates that the deadline in friday night at midnight. We have to take everything to the printers at noon on Saturday and I will be up all night getting them done in time.

*If anyone wants to submit a resolution (which is highly encouraged), please send it in! It does not have to be that long!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Everyone has passed credentialing on the first try! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How to Write a Resolution


Friday, February 24, 2012


Dear Wilson MUN (those who did not credential already),


There is a new Credentialing Session available on Sat. March 3 at OES (close by) from 10AM to noon. This would be better than waiting until mid-March for several reasons. Please check your calendar right now and see if you can make it. RESPOND TO MR. LOVELESS (tloveles@pps.net) and MRS. WALKER (lwalker@pps.net).

In other news, I believe that everyone who went to the Westview session passed!

Reminders: The balance of the $225 is due before spring break, by Wed. March 21 preferably.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Credentials Process

Hey Everyone!

Credentialers will be asking prospective MUN attendees 3 main questions:

1. What is the issue (and why is it significant)?
2. What is causing/contributing to this issue (they may ask if developed nations or developing nations are causing this problem)?
3. What is the solution?

Below are topics that you may be credentialed on. If you have the time, add in some sentences about these questions and statements into your old position papers. If for some reason you do not want to revise your old position papers, you MUST know the answers to the questions regardless.

-What is a current UNRESOLVED problem
related to this topic in the world that deserves
global attention? Describe the problem in as
much detail as possible including information
about why the problem remains unresolved
and deserves global attention rather than
national or regional attention.

-Describe how developing nations cause the
problem. Consider economic, political, and/or
social causes.

-Describe how more developed, 1st world
nations are causing the problem. Consider
economic, political, and/or social causes.

-What has the United Nations done in
attempting to resolve the problem?

-What is the position of your nation on the

-What are the possible positions of two other
nations in your committee on the problem?
*For this question, if you are having a difficult time finding other countries' opinions, try to find the opinions from big five nations (US, UK, France, Russia, and China). They are the easiest to search for.

-Consider the key question provided to you in
the agenda topics. What should the United
Nations do to further resolve the problem?
Your solution must be consistent with your
country’s position

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No meeting

There will be no meeting tomorrow due to finals. Remember to finish position papers! Good luck with finals!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Credentialing Dates

February 22 at Westview High School

March 15 at Lincoln High School

Both sessions are from 5:30 to 9:00 PM

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Paper Deadline!

Please bring both position papers tomorrow!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Position Papers!

Please bring your position papers to the next meeting! If you did NOT write a paper, please BRING WHAT YOU HAVE. We would like to see that you have made an effort to write a paper.