Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Credentials Process

Hey Everyone!

Credentialers will be asking prospective MUN attendees 3 main questions:

1. What is the issue (and why is it significant)?
2. What is causing/contributing to this issue (they may ask if developed nations or developing nations are causing this problem)?
3. What is the solution?

Below are topics that you may be credentialed on. If you have the time, add in some sentences about these questions and statements into your old position papers. If for some reason you do not want to revise your old position papers, you MUST know the answers to the questions regardless.

-What is a current UNRESOLVED problem
related to this topic in the world that deserves
global attention? Describe the problem in as
much detail as possible including information
about why the problem remains unresolved
and deserves global attention rather than
national or regional attention.

-Describe how developing nations cause the
problem. Consider economic, political, and/or
social causes.

-Describe how more developed, 1st world
nations are causing the problem. Consider
economic, political, and/or social causes.

-What has the United Nations done in
attempting to resolve the problem?

-What is the position of your nation on the

-What are the possible positions of two other
nations in your committee on the problem?
*For this question, if you are having a difficult time finding other countries' opinions, try to find the opinions from big five nations (US, UK, France, Russia, and China). They are the easiest to search for.

-Consider the key question provided to you in
the agenda topics. What should the United
Nations do to further resolve the problem?
Your solution must be consistent with your
country’s position

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