Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Notes about committees...

  • These positions are NOT final. If you were not staffed on a committee, DO NOT PANIC. This might mean that you haven't turned in your $25 deposit.
  • Please get the deposits in ASAP to Mrs. Walker. We need to know who is serious about joining before we can move forward.
  • Also, we might get another country if we see that more than 34 people are serious about MUN

  • If you are curious as to how the committees were selected, here is how they were ordered.
  1. Deposit fee was paid
  2. Previous MUN member?
  3. Senior?
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Renee, Elise, or Ulysses.

Renee: rsbluestarr@gmail.com
Elise: smith35173@gmail.com
Ulysses: usducktape@gmail.com

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