Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Position Paper Guide

Directions: Each student is required to pick two
separate topics and write a position paper for each
topic (2 papers total). Each position paper must be at
least one page but no more than 4 pages in length,
typed, and double spaced. Paper should be typed in
New Roman Font, 12. We strongly urge delegates to
organize their ideas into paragraphs. Each paper
must cite its resources. Wikipedia is not acceptable.

Each position paper must respond to the following

1. What are current problems related to this topic in the world? Please identify at least two.

2. What has caused these problems to exist in the world? Please identify at least two causes for each problem: first, describe how developing nations are causing the problem: second describe how more developed, 1st world nations are causing the problem.

3. What has the United Nations done in
attempting to resolve those problems?

4. What is the position of your country on those

5. What is the possible position of other countries
in your committee on those problems? Consider
at least two other countries.

6. How should the United Nations resolve those
problems? Make sure that your solution(s)
is/are consistent with your country’s position.

Your position papers must be submitted at
credentialing. The position papers will be reviewed by
your credentialers and will be used to credential you.
As well, these position papers can be used to assist in
drafting resolutions and debate at the conference.

*This information can be found at the website: http://www.oregonmun.org/a11ovw.pdf

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Committee Topics 2011

Agenda Topics and Focus Questions 2010-2011

General Assembly -1

International Maritime Law– Piracy
Focus Question: The growing problem of piracy has severe implications in politics, economics, and international security. What actions should the UN take to appropriately deal with this concern, especially when concerning nations that are unable or unwilling to fight this piracy themselves? Does the best solution lie in direct confrontation or in addressing the underlying causes of the problem?

General Assembly -2

Sovereignty and U.N. Intervention
Focus Question: To what extent can the United Nations require compliance to established U.N. protocols or resolutions from sovereign nations? When should the U.N. intervene for the purpose of enforcing these and how should the U.N. best deal with the lack of resources that hinders successful intervention?

Security Council

Process and Structure of Peacekeeping Operations
Focus Question: How should the U.N. peacekeepers address the issues of inefficiency and corruption that are made worse by the lack of resources?

Creation of Rapid Deployment Forces
Focus Question: Should the peacekeeping forces be replaced by a standing group of rapid deployment peacemaking troops, or would this challenge the founding principles of the United Nations?

Security Council Procedure
Focus Question: Would the U.N. benefit if the veto power of the five permanent members was modified in order to check the power of these nations?
  • Conflict in the Korean Peninsula
  • Conflict in Israel-Palestine
  • Conflict in China-Tibet
  • Conflict in Sudan
  • Conflict in Somalia
  • Conflict in Afghanistan
  • Conflict in Iraq
  • Conflict in Pakistan
  • Conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Conflict in Lebanon
Committees 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D – Global Security

Ethnic and Religious Conflict
Focus Question: What are a few current problems concerning religion and ethnicity and how might he U.N. effectively reduce these conflicts with minimal casualties?

Delegates are encouraged to be sure to include these Focus Areas in their research along with any other conflicts that they deem relevant.
  • 1. Israel/Palestine
  • 2. Sunni/Shiite/Kurd - Iraq
  • 3. Darfur
Focus Question: What measures should the U.N take in order to reduce or eliminate terrorism growing in developing nations? It should be noted that there are many possible instances of terrorism which could be addressed with this question. However, instead of proposing specific instances of terrorism to be discussed, delegates are encouraged to consider any instances of terrorism that relate to their country and the problem of terrorism as a whole.

Weapons of Mass Destruction
Focus Question: How, when, and to what extent should the U.N. intervene with countries that refuse to follow or violate international weapons protocol?

Committees 2A, 2B, and 2C – Global Economics

Oil Supermajors and Multinational Corporations
Focus Question: How should the U.N. address the influence of multinational corporations, especially oil super majors, on developed and developing nations? The implications as to how this would affect state-owned oil companies should also be considered.

Free Trade
Focus Question: Should the U.N. promote and aid in free trade or should it support current policies that tend to lean toward being protectionist? What should the U.N.’s role be in trade negotiations?

Green Business
Focus Question: Considering the new “green”movement and the business opportunities in this new industry, how should the U.N. play a role in this new industry? Should the U.N. provide economic benefits for nations and businesses that are more environmentally friendly than others?

Committees 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D – Human Rights

Access to Information
Focus Question: Considering forms of media such as newspapers, the internet, and publications in general, under what circumstances, if ever, is it the U.N.'s duty to intervene in issues of government regulation of information?

Human Trafficking
Focus Question: What should the U.N. do to discourage and prevent human trafficking? Furthermore, what should the U.N. do regarding governments that allow or ignore human trafficking within their jurisdiction?

Rights of Women and Children
Focus Question: How can the U.N. advocate for and enforce the rights of women and children in areas where local practices and attitudes cause inequality, discrimination and abuse of women and children?

Committees 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D – Environmental

Environmental Sustainability
Focus Question: What should the U.N. do to address the current energy crisis and rising prices of crude oil?

Climate Change
Focus Question: What should the U.N. do to better address issues of climate change, in light of the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-15)?

Energy Policy
Focus Question: Concerning the growing need for long-term sources of renewable energy, how can developed member-nations assist in the research and development of energy through nuclear fission and fusion*? Also, how can these developed member-nations assist in the development of basic renewable energy sources (wind, solar power, etc.) in developing countries?

Note: *A major nuclear fusion program to consider is ITER

Food Security
Focus Question: What should the U.N. do to address the inefficiencies in food production and should GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) be encouraged
  • Research Focus Points: Cropland allocation Technologies used in producing food
Committees 5A, 5B, and 5C – Health and Human Services

World Hunger
Focus Question: What actions should the United Nations take in order to more effectively and efficiently distribute aid in the form of food to lower-income nations that are affected by extreme hunger?

Clean Water Scarcity
Focus Question: Keeping in mind recent events, what should the U.N do to establish a safe drinking water sources in areas of recent disasters, previous warfare, arid lands, and contaminated water? And how might the U.N. regulate the limited source of water in the world?

Natural Disaster Relief
Focus Question: How should the U.N. encourage bordering or prosperous nations to aid victims of natural disasters? Furthermore, should it be required for a nation to repay debts incurred in the form of aid or relief from another country?

Diseases of Poverty
Focus Question: In what ways should the U.N.attempt to reduce epidemics that are the result of poverty such as HIV/AIDS and malaria and eradicate curable diseases such as polio and rabies in the third world?

Position Papers and Committees

Position papers will be due on December 14th. There are links to example papers and a few posted if you need them!

Also, If you are still planning to participate in MUN, but haven't signed up for a committee, or if there are any problems with where/with whom you were assigned, contact one of the leaders. For people that still need to sign up, please pick a committee with one or no people in it.

Here are the committees:

General Assembly 1

Tasmin Sickler, Renee Smith

General Assembly 2

Will Matsuda, Ceara Leo

Security Council

Elise Smith, Meleah Carlson

Global Security (1A)

Simone Smith, Elena Wadsworth

Global Security (1B)

Sean Klein, Camden Singrey

Global Security (1C)

Calvin Porterfield, Corey Oken

Global Economics (2A)

Mike Cole

Global Economics (2B)

Conner McNie, Ullyses Duckler

Global Economics (2C)

Jack Greaves, Jonah Harris

Human Rights (3A)

Lloyd Lewins, James Waugh

Human Rights (3B)

Alison Kibe

Human Rights (3C)

Mimi Loughney, Michael Reeves

Human Rights (3D)

Elizabeth Fennel, Becky Borden

Environmental (4A)

David Govshtein, Nadine Astrakhan

Environmental (4B)

Patrick Butenhoff, Ruby Reed

Health and Human Services (5A)

Julia McDowell, Amy Lorber

Health and Human Services (5B)

Mia Burcham, Ally Kershner

Health and Human Services (5C)

Nathan Otto, Carlos Gaddie

Health and Human Services (5D)

Niko Aberle, Clay Powell