Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welcome to Wilson MUN

Thank you for joining MUN!

Here's a list of important dates for this year. Keep them in mind, and if you know that you can't make something, talk to an officer, Mrs. Walker or Mr. Loveless.

January 15 :Schools and/or delegates begin to register to attend Credentials Session via the web page.

Credentials Sessions (we will most likely sign up for two sessions)

February 18 Thursday Lincoln

5:30-9:00 P.M.

February 25 Thursday Westview

5:30-9:00 P.M.

March 4 Thursday Lake Oswego

5:30-9:00 P.M.

March 8 Monday Lakeridge

5:30-9:00 P.M.

March 11 Thursday Eugene IHS

4:00-6:30 P.M.

March 11 Thursday Ashbrook Independent

4:00-6:00 P.M.

March 13 Saturday Gatlin Gabel

8:30-1:00 P.M.

March 18 Thursday Lincoln

5:30-9:00 P.M.

April 1: Friday Last day to submit

resolutions for printing

Must be submitted via

the web.

April 8-10: State Conference-Eugene

Check out the Oregon MUN website if you have any questions! It's really helpful. http://oregonmun.org/