Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Delays Due To Snow

Now, all of this assumes, that there will be school either Thursday, or Friday, or both days. If there is, please make the $100 payment to the bookeeper or Mrs. Walker. If you bive it to the bookeeper, bring the receipt to Mrs. Walker. If you have a class, with me, Nate, or Melia, or you have a chance to drop by Mrs. Walker's room, you can turn in the position papers. If not, they are due on the first Wednesday in January when we have a MUN meeting. If you need any help, email me, or call me, as I am always happy to help.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Inclement Weather

For those of you who have been watching the weather, you know that snow is predicted for Wenedsay, and Thursday, as well as possibly Friday. If we don't have school Wednesday, feel free to turn in your position papers to any of the three of us, or Ms. Walker. If there is no school at all this week, then just hold onto them. Likewise, if there is school, whenever there is school, make the payment to the bookeeper. Again, that is $100. Whatever happens, stay safe, have a fun Winter Break, and Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Committees and their Topics

Here are all the possible committees, and their topics.

Global Security (Committees 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D):
1. Terrorism
Focus Question: What are the main causes of terrorism and what can the UN do to prevent its creation?
2. Weapons of Mass Destruction-including chemical, biological, and nuclear
Focus Question: How should the UN deal with violations of WMD agreements?
3. Ethnic and Religious Conflict
Focus Question: How can the UN aid in resolving ethnic and religious conflict without further promoting violence?

Global Economics (Committees 2A, 2B, and 2C):
1. Debt
Focus Question: What policies should be created to assist developing countries that find themselves in unfinanceable debt?
2. Free Trade
Focus Question: What is beneficial trade, and how can UN actions promote it?
3. Oil and Multinational Corporations
Focus Question: How should the UN address power and limitations of OPEC, cartels, and corporations?
4. Economic Sanctions
Focus Question: Under what circumstances should the UN create with economic sanctions? Should the UN reconsider current sanctions?

Human Rights (Committees
3A, 3B, and 3C):
1. Human Trafficking
Focus Question: What should the UN do to penalize governments that allow or ignore human trafficking? How can human trafficking be prevented in the future?
2. Rights of Women
Focus Question: Are there specific rights of women that the UN should enumerate and adopt?
3. Rights of Children
Focus Question: Are there specific rights of children that the UN should enumerate and adopt?
4. Access to information (including education, internet, and the role of censorship)
Focus Question: How can the UN promote the proper provision of education and internet and under what circumstances is it the UN’s duty to intervene with government regulation of information?

Environmental (Committees 4A, 4B and 4C):
1. Climate Change
Focus Question: What policies should be made to moderate climate change?
2. Pollution
Focus Question: What can the UN do to hold both developed and undeveloped countries to adequate non-pollution policies? Should these policies be the same for developed and undeveloped countries?
3. Food Sustainability
Focus Question: How does the development of ethanol threaten food security, and what role the UN take in monitoring it?
4. Energy Policy and Fuel sources
Focus Question: What can the UN do to alleviate the fossil fuel crisis?

Health & Human Services (Committees
5A, 5B, and 5C):
1. World Hunger
Focus Question: Is it the duty of the UN to monitor the distribution of good sources, and what can be done to ensure aid gets into the intended hands?
2. Diseases of Poverty
Focus Question: What should the UN do to control epidemics and fight diseases of poverty?
3. Policies for Clean Water Provision
Focus Question: Should there be an international standard for drinking water? If so, what policies can be implemented to regulate these standards?
4. Natural Disaster Relief (excluding disease)
Focus Question: What can the UN do to promote disaster prevention measures?
Focus Question: Is it a violation of the Human Rights Charter when a government refuses aid in the face of a natural disaster?

General Assembly A
UN Millennium Goals: Assessment and evaluation
Focus Question: What is being done to achieve the Millenium goals, and should these actions be modified to suit the modern world?

General Assembly B
Government and Controversy/Election Fraud
Focus Question: To what extent should be UN be involved with government changes in various countries? What action should be taken if a government is know to be corrupt?
Focus Question: What should the UN’s role be with regard to political fraud? How can the UN deal with political fraud without challenging the sovereignty of a nation and further contributing to unrest?

Security Council

Structure of Peacekeeping
Focus Question: Should the Security Council have the ability to deploy peacekeeping forces without the consent of the country involved?
Focus Question: How should the steps that are made to regulate peacekeeping forces be changed?
Creation of Rapid Deployment Forces
Focus Question: Would such a body be of use or would it challenge what the UN stands for by creating a standing army?
Expansion of the Security Council
Democratic Republic of Congo